Home/Tag:Dr. Loosen

Wine Discoveries: Red Speed Tasting at Wine Bloggers Conference 2012

As part of the 5th Annual Wine Bloggers Conference in Portland, we had the opportunity to travel Oregon and around the world via wine glass. During Live Wine Blogging sessions, think speed dating for discovering new favorite wines, we spent a fast paced hour of wineries visiting tables and giving several minute presentations on the one wine they were [...]

Screwtop Wine Bar: Every Rosé Has Its Thorn

It's hot which is perfect Rosé weather as it's light, crisp and refreshing wine, and a pretty pink shade. Over the last few weeks I've tried several new Rosés at local wine bars. Last night I finally visited Screwtop Wine Bar in Clarendon, a neighborhood in Arlington, Virginia. Their motto...drink what you like. So I [...]

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